Bertha is another of Tobe's
June 9, 1919 - March 17, 1950
Bertha was born in Sipsey Alabama.
She attended and graduated fromWalker County Training School in
1937 (Jasper, Alabama). She briefly attended Miles Memorial
College in Birmingham. She went to Washington,DC seeking
and eventually obtaining a wartime appointment with the
Navy Department. She made her home in Georgetown.
She was an Eastern Star and a Member of Mount Zion
United Methodist Church, the first Black Methodist Church
in Washington, DC, (founded October 16, 1816). She was
the Mother of three sons, Milton, John, and Bobby.
Bertha at work
Navy Department
Washington, DC

Bertha, Eliza Ann, Isiah Chappell

Bertha's Social Set
Milton Kirk, Jr.
1938 - 1969
Bertha, Milton, Bobby
at the Tidal Basin Washington, D.C.

John, Shirley, Scotty Jeremy Chappell
Gramps (John) GGson Tevon
GGGson Tevon

Kat, Bob, Mark Mike Chappell

Kyra, Jalen, Mark, Tyra,
Jordan, Darrin

Mai, Mike Isaiah Chappell

Some of Plug's Crew 2011
and 2015