Ancestors of James Sherman Shepherd Sr.
James Sherman Shepherd Sr.,, was born in 1922 in Oakman, Alabama. He married and divorced Dorothy Rudolf. He then married Venella Jones who was born in Birmingham, Alabama.
James is the son of:
William Newton (Nate) Shepherd and Louiza Gamble. Nate was born in 1880. He married Louiza Gamble who was born in 1892.
Nate was the son of:
George W. (Joe) and Malinda Shepherd. George was born in 1855 in Alabama. Malinda was born in 1868. Notes for Malinda: This is the second marriage for both George and Malinda. The have been married to each other for 19 years. Malinda and George had the following children:
i. William Newton (Nate) Shepherd was born in 1880.
ii. Josie Shepherd was born in 1877.
iii. Minnie A. Shepherd was born in 1882.
iv. Wiley Shepherd was born in 1884.
v. Mary Foster (sd) was born in 1884.
vi. James Shepherd was born in 1886.
vii. Claude Shepherd was born in 1888.
George was the son of:
Jesse and Mary Shepherd. Jesse was born in Virginia in 1815. Mary was born in 1820 also in Virginia.
Notes for Mary Shepherd:
The 1870 U.S. Census shows Jessie 55, and Mary Shepherd 50, living in Bellview Beat, in Dallas County, Alabama. They had 3 sons living at home at the time. The sons were:
Quash 18,
Frank 16,
Joe 14.
Next door was Jim Shepherd 40, and his wife Catherine Shepherd 32, with their daughter Jennette 3.
The 1910 census shows that 80 year old Mary, a widow, and a 6 year old niece, Marie, living with George and Malinda in Walker County. This record also shows that Mary had given birth to 6 children, 5 of whom were alive at that time.
William Newton (Newt) Shepherd
(James' Dad)